
First Hitachi VSP G200 Block Storage System integrated over a Fibre Channel SAN to Cisco Servers with Microsoft Hyper (Year 2017)


Replacement of all the energy infrastructure and redesign of the existing datacenter in a turnkey format, project that includes the redesign of all the energy infrastructure, precision air, main connection and fire systems in a high availability format (Year 2011)


Implementation of the second phase of the most reliable and robust private data center in the country (to date with 100% uptime in all its systems) with a capacity of 80 racks, 2(N+1) energy and thermal redundancy (N+1 in each room), high levels of security, transfer to the new power plant without interruption of service and maintaining operation 7x24x365, operators' room, policies, processes and procedures (Year 2016-2017)


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Santa Cruz

La Paz
